Golden Girls

Two snow days in a row has made me incredibly unproductive.  Being sick and glued to the Olympics doesn’t help me get off my ass.  In fact, I have been such a champion sitter, my ass is hurting.  I am sore from sitting.  I did a few laps around the apartment and then sitting, get up for a snack… now, this should be an Olympic event.  Watching TV I imagine myself getting the gold medal for power lounging.  

Golden Girls is on, and I am sitting on the couch waiting for Donat to get up from his nap.  It has been such a wonderful snow day.  The snow has been falling since last night and work was cancelled, which means that one of my programs was cancelled too.  Four day weekends are rare and although I do feel lazy, there isn’t much I can do.  I am sick and can’t really play in the snow, but I went outside and put my leg into a large pile and it was almost to the top! 

I tell people here about our hurricane days in Florida and they laugh.  People must think it’s funny that kids get trapped in their homes while 80 mile hour winds go by.   But, really it was fun.  I could hear the wind howling outside and the trees breaking and slapping into houses.  Afterwords we’d go outside and play on trees that had fallen over and find roof tiles in the street.  I miss the soothing sounds of Florida.

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